Here’s How A/C Tune-Ups Affect Your Home’s Health

Cooling systems are a crucial part of maintaining a comfortable home. When your A/C system is neglected, the overall comfort and health of your home will reflect this accordingly. Tune-ups are the only way to ensure that your system is working at maximum efficiency and keeping your home healthy!

Overall Comfort

When your cooling system is working efficiently, your family and friends will feel it! Unfortunately, uneven cooling will cause everyone in your home to feel uncomfortable. After a tune-up, your system will be running smoothly and efficiently, allowing everyone to experience the comfort and peace of mind that it’s supposed to provide!

Avoiding Breakdowns

Tune-ups are meant to make sure your A/C is operating as it should and to catch problems early on if it’s not. When you skip out on scheduling this maintenance, you’re putting your home at risk of experiencing a sudden total-system breakdown. Not only will this lead you and your family to experience extreme discomfort as you wait for emergency service, but, depending on the damage done, it could also require a costly total system replacement.

Personal Health

The dark, humid interior of A/C systems offers ideal conditions for mold and mildew to grow. When this air pollution enters your home, everyone becomes at-risk for suffering its side effects. Irritated eyes, a sore throat, and congestion or just a few of the many health symptoms people may experience from poor indoor air quality. When your system is tuned-up, the built-up mold and mildew will be cleaned out, allowing you and your family to breathe clean, healthy air again. 

Keeping Your Warranty

Many A/C manufacturers will void your warranty if your system isn’t receiving regular maintenance by a trained technician. This eligibility requirement for your warranty is put in place because maintenance truly is necessary to ensure that your system continues to function as it should. When maintenance is pushed off, what would be a small repair turns into a much larger, and oftentimes unnecessary, repair. Without this warranty, you’ll need to pay the full price for replacement parts to have full comfort back in your home.

Being comfortable in your home is so important as even hotter temperatures approach. If you find that your A/C isn’t providing you with total comfort, it’s time to schedule a tune-up to find out what’s wrong. Give the professional technicians at Cool Today a call at (941) 217-7844 so we can help you Get The Best From Today!

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